Pick 3 Winners
Showing 121 - 135 of 214 Pick 3 Winners
Winona Rowe
Winona Rowe played two tickets: one was played... MoreNoel Francis
Noel Francis of New Orleans won $870 by... MoreDouglas Adams
Douglas Adams played two Pick 3 tickets to... More
James Wilson
James Wilson used his daughter's birthdate for his... MoreDouglas Adams
Adams won his prize on a "straight" ticket,... More
Charlene Woods
Woods purchased her winning Pick 3 ticket from... MoreKendra Collins
Collins played her numbers as "straight" and won... MoreSharon Collins
Collins played her numbers as "straight," meaning she... More
Charlie Johnson
Johnson played his numbers as "straight," meaning his... MoreLeonard Kennedy
Kennedy played his numbers as "straight," meaning the... MoreJames Griffin
Griffin played a $1 combo and a $.50... More
William Baumer
Baumer played a "straight/box" set; which means that... MoreWilliam Baumer
Baumer played a "straight/box" set; which means that... MoreWilliam Washington
Washington won his prize by playing a $1... More
- Winners appearing here are only those who granted the Lottery permission for publicity
- This compilation does not include every Lottery winner.